Private Rental and Assistance with Daily Living (ADL)
People who live in a combination of Private Rental and Assistance with daily living supports will have found a rental property which they can afford in an area that they identify with. The property will hopefully be on an extended lease, giving peace of mind. They will have identified a provider of Assistance with daily living supports and use their Core NDIS budget to purchase drop in support services.
What this looks like: You will live in a rental home, either by yourself or with others, and have supports come into the home on a daily or weekly basis to support you with activities of daily living. You will have lower – moderate support needs and will be able to spend some part of your day without support. You will have gone through a process with your support coordinator or another trusted person to build a housing vision, which includes who you live with, how you want to be supported, and what your day/week looks like, accounting for your unique situation.
You will have let the NDIA know that you are looking for this kind of support by submitting a Home and Living Supporting Evidence form, and will have gathered all of the evidence to support your application. You may have other supports such as therapies, assistive technology, consumables or Coordination which you pay for from your NDIS plan.