Specialist Disability Accommodation and Supported Independent Living (SDA + SIL)
Supported Independent Living is the most common support type provided within Specialist Disability Accommodation. This is because SIL is generally funded to those people with the highest support needs. People who require SDA will have very high support needs. In this arrangement, you will receive 24/7 paid support either in a shared setting or by yourself. Remember, its important to separate housing and support, so having different providers for each is a must.
What this looks like: You have gone through a rigorous process of assessment with your Allied Health providers and you or your Support Coordinator/LAC/Support people have made an application for SDA and SIL which has been approved. The NDIS has determined that you require a special building to have your needs met, and your very high support needs are being met through direct face to face care. You will use the special features of the building you live in to assist you in daily life.
A sleepover, either active (someone awake in the building all night to support you) or inactive (a worker sleeps over and might wake up to support you for short periods if required).
You will have support in all life areas while in your home. You may be living with others who have SDA/SIL and high support needs, or you may live alone.
You will have support to buy food and prepare meals, attend medical appointments, and in some cases, transport will be provided to help you get to your daily activities. You will use your NDIS plan for community access, consumables, therapies etc if required.