Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) – Is specially designed property to aid those with very high support needs. SDA is only for the 6% of NDIS participants with the most complex needs and who have impairments caused by their disability that a specially designed building could address.
Group Homes (CRU’s) are now considered SDA’s, which means that many people who previously had thought they would enter a group home when then got older may now not be eligible and will have to find other accommodation.
SDA does not just mean group homes however; there are four Design Categories of SDA:
Improved Liveability – For those with sensory needs or cognitive impairment.
Robust – For those who need a solid building, resilient materials and soundproofing because of their high support needs.
Fully Accessible – For those who require support with their mobility (typically wheelchair users), widened doorways and decent space to move around.
High Physical Support – For those who require support with their mobility (including electric wheelchair users), and also require a ceiling hoist and may be able to reduce the cost of hands on support through using technology such as home automation.
Within each of these design categories there are a number of Building Types. These include Group Home, Duplex/Villa/Townhouse, Detached House and Apartment – Find out more here: NDIS SDA Pricing and Payments
Getting SDA into your plan is hard to do, and requires a lot of detailed assessment by specialist therapists and report writing. Your Support Coordinator or LAC should be able to help you with this process. If your Support Coordinator isn’t experienced in supporting Participants in applying for SDA, then find one who is and split your Support Coordination hours with them.
People who live in SDA will pay a “Reasonable Rent Contribution”. This is calculated as 25% of the Disability Support Pension (DSP) and 100% of their Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA).
SDA is not a model of support. SDA refers to a Capital Support payment made from an eligible participants NDIS plan to a registered SDA provider towards the cost of accommodation.
For more info on SDA, please check this link: NDIS Website – SDA.
To see a step by step guide on the SDA Process, watch this video from The Housing Hub featuring Court Walters (Milparinka) and Jane Galvin (Participate OT). – Steps to SDA Video